Getting Married
In the Christian church, marriage vows are made before God in the context of worship. The marriage service celebrates married love and provides an opportunity for a spiritual encounter with people at a time of joy, celebration and transition in their lives.
As a pastoral charge of the United Church of Canada, we affirm that “lifelong relationships need to be faithful, responsible, just, loving, health-giving, healing, and sustaining of community and self”, (32nd General Council, 1988).
As a declaration of covenant, the ceremony acknowledges God as a sustaining and creative presence in the relationship, enabling each person to grow and to be nourished in grace and wisdom. Bridging Waters Pastoral Charge celebrates the marriage of members, adherents or people seeking a Christian ceremony regardless of race, physical ability or sexual orientation.
Payment for all fees and appropriate honorariums, as well as the marriage license, should be brought to the church office at least one week prior to the wedding date.
Date and Time of Wedding
Contact the Church office to set a tentative date and time as soon as possible. When there is more than one wedding per day, the ceremonies are spaced two hours apart with the couple booked first having preference as to time.
A clergy person on staff in Bridging Waters Pastoral Charge will officiate at your wedding. If you would like to invite a family member or previous minister to assist in the service, please consult the officiating minister.
When our Clergy are absent or on holiday, arrangements may be made - in consultation with or minister - for another minister to officiate at your wedding.
Once a tentative date has been booked for the wedding, arrangements to meet with the officiating minister should be made as soon as possible. Plan to meet with clergy approximately three times before your wedding; during these meetings you will be completing forms, discussing your wedding and planning the service. For all weddings, the names of the couple desiring marriage will be presented to the local church board for final approval.
Marriage Preparation Program
Marriage preparation is designed to assist a couple to deepen and enrich their relationship and to develop the interpersonal skills essential to keep that relationship strong.
One of the criteria for being married within Bridging Waters Pastoral Charge is that the couple will participate in marriage preparation. When you book your wedding, you will be advised of the dates and costs of the Marriage Preparation Program in your area. If a couple resides elsewhere, a Marriage Preparation Program is to be arranged for where the couple is living.
Decorations in the Sanctuary
Decorations in the Sanctuary to enhance a particular season of the Church year are part of the worship of the congregation. We ask you to leave those things in place. Furnishings may be moved with permission only and must be returned to the original position after the service. Pewmarkers, candelabras (dripless candles only; plastic protectors should be under any candle sitting on the carpet), floral arrangements, etc. are most welcome. The church, however, does not supply any of these things.
Wedding Day
Ushers should be at the church at least 45 minutes before the wedding begins. It is very important that your wedding begin on time, since the church schedule is often a busy one. Guest book attendants should also be here well ahead of time.
Pictures my be taken during the processional, the signing of the register, the recessional, and following the service. Refrain from taking pictures during the service of worship. Videotaping may be done from a fixed position, as prearranged with the officiating minister.
Music for a wedding service should be an expression of faith. It is strongly encouraged that music for your wedding service be reviewed with the minister will in advance of your wedding. The minister or organist may suggest some choices of suitable music. Your favorite secular music could be used at the reception.
If you are using taped music or CDs, there is a sound system in the church. Be sure to have someone in charge of the system.
If you need a list of organists/pianists to consider, please contact the church office.
Please advise your guests to refrain from using confetti or rice anywhere on the church premises.
Marriage Preparation Program: $200
Marriage Service: $150 (this is an income tax deductible contribution toward the life and work of the church)
Minister: $150 is the suggested honorarium, or fee set by visiting officiating minister
Organist/Pianist: $75 honorarium